This past weekend we were thankful to be home in America to celebrate times like these... On Saturday, we attended two graduations.
Many of our friends graduated from Asbury College on Saturday, including Teresa & Tiana Duncan (pictured right), Joanna Ury Pittman (pictured below) , & Elizabeth Key. It was so good to get to be there with them for this special day and see so many friends from Asbury & from Africa!

And then we left straight from Asbury's graduation to see
Erica's stepbrother, Landon, graduate from University of Kentucky! We are so proud of him & so thankful we were able to be there to witness this milestone in his life!

And finally, yesterday we had the blessing of being home in America on Mother's Day.

my first Mother's Day, it was very special to be able to spend it with my own mom & grandmother!
(Pictured right with my mom, sister, & Granny) And I must say, John did very good at making it special for me~ he's such an amazing husband & daddy, and I am so thankful for him! And even though we couldn't be in New Jersey with John's mom, we were able to talk on Skype with them & use their new web cam for the first time, & it felt like we were right there with them, so that was fun!
I am so thankful for the gift God has given me this year of being a mother!

Jackson is such a blessing to us, and having him in our life really is teaching us more about how God's love for us is so unconditional & SO huge for us! I am reminded of one of my favorite verses when I think of how much I love Jackson & how much Jesus loves each one of us!...

Ephesians 3: 18, 19~18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.
19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.