This weekend, John had the opportunity to be the speaker for the WGM/ Asbury Ski Retreat at Perfect North in Indiana. He was able to share with over 100 college students from Asbury & Indiana Wesleyan University about where God may be leading them in their lives & where God is calling them after college. John has always had a heart for college age ministry, so this was a sweet time for him and hopefully a challenging and insightful time for the students as well!
And yesterday we finally got to celebrate John's 30th Birthday with a real Superbowl/ Birthday Party! A bunch of our friends came to our house from Lexington (5 of whom had come on a trip to Uganda together while we were there!) and of course our friends & family from here were there too! It was such a blessing to have electricity for the party... since we woke up yesterday and ONCE AGAIN DID NOT HAVE ELECTRICITY!!! It was only out for a few hours this time though, thank God! I was so thankful that the power came back on!