Thursday, January 11, 2007

Two Pastors Ordained

This past Sunday we had the privilege of attending Kisugu Africa Gospel Church (AGC) where two more Ugandan pastors were ordained. Kisugu AGC is the very first church World Gospel Mission (WGM) planted in Uganda. It is now 1 of over a 100 flourishing churches and still growing. Martin and James, the two men ordained, have been a key part of the training of pastors almost from inception. These two men each partner with our missionaries and help oversee a region of the pastor training in addition to pastoring their own churches too. This was also very special for me personally because Martin was my translator during my first trip in Uganda and we became good friends throughout our time in ministry together. Both these men love Jesus with all their hearts and are committed to the ministry of making disciples of Jesus Christ and reaching every nation for Christ. It was truly a blessing to share in this wonderful celebration with these two Godly men and to actually be able to see the fruit of WGM’s ministry of training pastors after hearing and talking about it for so long.

1 comment:

John & Sarah said...

I hope you two are doing well and getting ready to embrace my sister when she gets over there! Big news...Sarah and I got married! I'm guessing you already knew that, but now its coming from the horse's mouth! Again, I hope you both are doing great and enjoying life in Africa. -John Banter