Monday, May 12, 2008

Please Pray for John & Billy in Sudan

John & I just got home from a leadership conference in Nairobi, Kenya on Saturday, and we thank you for your prayers. It really was a great opportunity for both of us, and we are thankful that we work with an organization who values us and allowed us to go to this conference, even though we aren't technically in a leadership position. There are times here that we do carry out roles of leaders, and we look forward to being able to use what we learned there in our future! And it was great to be able to spend some time with some of the WGM Kenya missionaries, who we respect & admire very much! We had very memorable conversations & learned some valuable lessons from these experienced missionaries as well!

Today, after being home for not even 48 hours, John left for Yei, Sudan with Billy for pastoral training there!!! And with all of our car problems... there was not a vehicle for them to drive this time, so.... they took a "taxi," which is a large van that seats at least 14 people, and they'll be on pretty rough roads! They are so brave! The drive is about 6 hours from here, so they should have reached there about 2 hours ago... but we haven't quite figured out how to make phone calls between Sudan & Uganda, so Joanna & I haven't been able to be sure they've arrived safely. But I'm sure they are fine! I just ask that you would be praying for John & Billy and the 5 Sudanese pastors they will be training and discipling over these next 3 days. Please pray that God would keep them safe in their travels & work out all the details there & be in their conversations. Also, they will be meeting 3 of these pastors for the first time, so please pray for discernment for Billy & John and for them to have meaningful encounters with all of these men.

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