Thursday, August 21, 2008

Week with the Team

Last Friday we left for Nebbi with the team~ I think I can safely say that it has been an experience for them like they've never had before! But they have all been such troopers~ not complaining at all & just giving 100% to all they are involved in! We are thankful for their hard work, great attitudes & love for Jesus & our friends here in Uganda!

The team is pictured above with all of our pastors in Nebbi. Everyone on the team participated in the pastor training and helped with teaching the lessons. They were also able to help our pastors evaluate their sermons and give them advice on how to be effective in evangelism. (Tim & Kathi are pictured above left as the pastors practice their preaching & evangelism with them!) They also had a great time taking pictures of all of the children in Nebbi~ the kids get SO excited to see themselves on the screen of a digital camera! (pictured above right with Erin)

On Saturday night, we showed "The Jesus Film" on a large screen with a projector out in one of our village churches! It started with about 20 people & by 20 minutes into the movie, we looked around & there had to have been over 500 people watching this movie about Jesus!!!!!!! It was awesome! (pictured above~ sorry it's blurry because it was taken at night!)
Finally, on Sunday, we split up & attended different churches out in the villages of Nebbi. The chruch that John, Jana, Erin & myself attended was just under a tree~ no building. It always amazes me how the people here don't need anything more than a willing heart to worship God. The team has reminded us how refreshing it is to witness the simplicity of life here!

And this week, we started Vacation Bible School (VBS) out at Uganda Christian University (UCU) where I have been doing children's ministry over the past year. The team is doing great with the kids~ they've all learned a little of the language (Lugbara) to communicate with them better & the kids are SO attentive and really learning a lot from them! I am so honored to be a part of God's work here & witness all of this! Thank you for your prayers for the team & the people they are ministering to this week! We can feel them!

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