Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bwana Asifiwe! (Swahili for "Praise the Lord” )

We are making progress...

With Joshua!!! (Update- continued from last posting)

Josh has continued to ask questions about God, Jesus, the Bible, Creation, and so much more every day that we are with him! It is so amazing to see him discovering Jesus! He had never even heard the story of Adam and Eve, or any of the Creation story for that matter. He only knew of Evolution, but his response was something like, “Now that I know this, this ape theory sounds crazy!” And telling him the story of Jesus… that was priceless.

One of my personal favorite things about Josh is his child-like faith, excitement, and honesty. It is a common response of Africans in general to immediately accept Jesus the first time they hear the Gospel. I believe that, for most, this is because it is the “Good News” that so many of them have been longing to hear all of their life. But I would also venture to guess that there are many who don’t take their decision to accept Christ to the next level, to a deeper relationship with Him.

This is what I love about Josh… John asked him last week if he had accepted Jesus into his heart as His Lord and Savior yet. He said no… but not because his heart is hardened, but instead, because he wanted to make sure he fully understands what it means to be a Christian before he becomes one. He tells us that he goes home every night and reads His Bible and processes all of the new information we have given him earlier that day, and that he will continue to think on what we have told him. It is amazing to me that he is so thoughtful and so conscientious of this huge decision he is making. I think that we could all probably learn from Josh in just how seriously he takes God’s Word and how he is putting so much thought and consideration into this decision, from the very beginning!

Please continue to pray for Josh’s salvation, and that in God’s timing, he would make the decision to come to know Him in a deeper way.

With Learning Swahili…
Praise the Lord! We truly are making progress in Swahili! We are now at a level where we can speak conversationally with the Ugandans. For example, we know how to greet each other, introduce ourselves, shop in the market for groceries, say simple Christian phrases, and we have even memorized Joshua 1:9 in Swahili (together with Josh!) and translated “God of Wonders” into Swahili with John playing the guitar to it!

And With Driving…

Praise the Lord! I (Erica) can finally drive a stick in Africa!!! Well, at least enough to get around and do every day errands or give other people rides all by myself! I used to have to have John in the car with me to tell me when to shift and what to do when I stalled, but I am finally figuring it all out! Thank you so much for your prayers, because if you would have seen my trying to drive 2 months ago, you would know that this is nothing short of a miracle and an answer to prayer!


Cydil said...

This is such an exciting post! Thanks for sharing about Josh. Congrats on your driving accomplishments, Erica! And happy be-lated birthday, John!
Much love,
Cydil, Nathan, and Ellie

StephandtheBoys said...

It sounds like you all are having great success. It is so exciting to hear all the new things you are learning and teaching! I will continue to pray for you and your mission. (Erica) you look so cute in your driving pic...congrats on the accomplishment!
Stephanie, Chad, Connor and Coen

Chad said...

Sarah just forwarded me your email. We are praying for you and praying for an opportunity to come and visit. I have really been awakened to the "Invisible Children" and continue to pray for reconciliation for Uganda and the Sudan. You are taking peace where there is no peace. May God continue to bless!

Stephanie Hogan said...

Erica, WAY TO GO!!! So exciting. That is big stuff. Elisabeth Key just shared with our small group about your visit to the orphanage, so I had to get on and see for myself. What a sweet gift you must have been to those kids! Know we love and miss you and are so so proud of you.

Steph and Bryce