Sunday, August 10, 2008


We just wanted to share some very happy news with you all today!... WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!! I am 10 weeks along, and our baby is due on March 10! We are SO incredibly excited and thankful that God has blessed us with this AMAZING gift of life! Words can't describe how excited we are to become parents!

On Friday, we had an ultrasound & were able to see how awesome God is~
our baby is only 2.75 cm
& it already looks like a baby! He has hands & feet, and if you can see in this first picture, he just found his thumb this week & has already learned how to suck his thumb! (If you look closely, you can see it in the picture!) It's incredible! And yes, this is a 3-D ultrasound! Uganda is high tech!

And to answer a few questions... no, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet. We're just calling the baby a "he" so that we don't have to call it "it!" And yes, we do want to find out, but we have to wait another month or so until we can know! And a huge blessing that I am thankful for is that I haven't had morning sickness or felt tired or anything! I feel great! And finally, we won't be coming home any earlier, for those of you who are wondering! We are planning on arriving home in Louisville, KY on November 8! Thank you all for your prayers & for being excited with us!

As for the rest of our life... Sudan went really well last weekend. Only 2 of the pastors were able to make it, but Billy & John felt like they had some good quality time with them. And the roads were super bad, but God protected them & allowed them to make it there & back safely, without a hitch! And our time with John & Beth Muehleisen, our acting field directors, was a blessing as well~ it was really great to have some good conversations with them & get to know them better!

Now, we have the team from NJ arriving this Wednesday, and we're so excited to see all that God has in store for them! Please be praying for the team's time here, and that God would use them & us over these next couple weeks! Thank you for praying!


Katie Ingram said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful news!

The Engebretson's said...

Hey guys! Congratulations on the new baby! How exciting!


Matt said...

Wow that's awesome news. Congratulations!

Annette said...

Congratulations!! We are so excited for you guys! May the Lord bless and keep you and the newest Rhinehimer safe during this time. Blessings. the case you haven't heard cousin Nathan Williamson and his wife had their little girl Emma about a week and a half ago. She is beautiful and everyone is doing well. :)

Momma Mo said...

Yea! I'm excited for you!

From the looks of your blogs, things in Arua are going well! That's awesome. Not many days pass that I don't think about Uganda. I miss it for sure!

I'm super excited for you and pray that as you wrap up your time there, you continue to bless others like you blessed me! Love to you.