Monday, December 18, 2006

Making Progress in Swahili…

We are learning Swahili slowly but surely, so thank you for your prayers! We did have to get a new teacher though. Unfortunately, we were some of Betty’s first students, and once she started teaching us, she didn’t feel qualified for the task. But now we have a new teacher, Suliman, who has 22 years of experience teaching Swahili! We are so excited to have him! He goes at a much faster pace, so please continue to pray!

Fun Facts from Swahili Class:
• We teach our teachers… how to greet people in the States! If they go to Mississippi, they need to say “YA’LL;” if they go to Kentucky, they need to say “YOU ALL;” and if they go to New Jersey, they need to say “YOU GUYS.” ☺
We actually had our Ugandan teacher saying “YA’LL!”
• My name… Every Ugandan looks at me funny when I tell them my name, so I asked our teacher and found out that it is because Erica is a BOY’S NAME… not only Uganda, but in all of Africa! This is because they do not end names in consonants, so they had to make Eric into Erica for men!
• Why Ugandans think all Americans are rich…. We also found out from Betty that most Ugandans believe that as soon as an American turns 18 or graduates from college, their parents give them a fully furnished house and car AND the government gives us enough money to live off of! She couldn’t believe it when we told her this was not true! No wonder everyone wants to come to America!

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