Thursday, December 07, 2006

Swahili and a Guard

We are into our third week in Uganda and are beginning to settle into life in Uganda. The roads are a bit rough and the traffice here make driving in Philiadelphia during rush hour look like a relaxing walk at the Jersey Shore. Here are some pictures to give you a better idea of what Uganda looks like and we will be adding more on a weekly basis.

We also have been attending a local church here in Kampala. As you can see from the picture it is pretty crowded. The service is a mixture of Swahili songs and American praise and worship music, but they music sounds best when they are singing in their native tongue. The people here have such a passion for God Word and the church service usually lasts around 2-3 hours.

Thanks for praying for our Swahili learning. Here is a picture of our teacher, Betty. She is a great blessing from the Lord and she to has a burden to see the people of Uganda trained in God's Word. We are learning a ton of vocabulary, which Erica seems to be getting as soon as she reads it, where I on the other hand seems to be more of a "deep processor" (aka slowly learning the language).

I want to end this post with a prayer request for our guard, Patrick. Patrick has not accepted Jesus into his heart and life. He has a family of six and has some knowledge about God, but has yet to make a decision for the Lord. Erica and I are praying for his salvation and that we would be a part of it. He has such a wonderful heart and servant attitude. We talk often and he even lets me practice my Swahili. I'm praying through these conversation Jesus will touch his heart. Please pray for continued conversation with Patrick as we continue talk with him about who Jesus is and love Patrick into the family of God.

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