Thursday, February 22, 2007

Divine Appointment?

~ Make sure you check out our latest video of driving in Uganda located in menu to the right.

This week has been full of ministry meetings and Swahili. We are making good progress in Swahili, although our brains feel as if they are at their limit. We have been exhausted at times, just thinking that in one week, we are supposed to be able to speak Swahili conversationally! Jesus is definitely helping us though, and in one week we will be finished with our formal training and pushed out of the nest into the real Swahili speaking world!

Our ministry highlight of the week was meeting with Stephen, a man from Congo that we may potentially train to be a pastor! We met Stephen a couple of weeks ago at church, and he mentioned he was very interested in planting a church where he is from in Congo! This immediately got my attention since this has been what we have been praying for... potential pastors to train and to eventually reach Congo and Sudan! He called us relentlessly over the past 2 weeks, trying to set up a time to meet with us! He is so excited about this opportunity and that the Lord has brought our paths together!

This past Wednesday I interviewed him and further explained our pastor training program and church planting ministry. We covered all the theological basics to make sure we were on the same page, and we were! It was very encouraging to meet someone else who has a heart for reaching out to people who have never heard about Jesus. Stephen told me he has been praying for almost 10 years that God would send him someone to train him to be a pastor and plant a church in his home town in Congo. It seems almost to good to be true! I will meet with him a few more times before heading to Arua, and if things still look good, Stephen will begin meeting with a local Africa Gospel Church Pastor to be discipled until he returns to Congo. We are praying that Stephen's heart and call are truly as genuine and sincere as they appear to be and that this is one of God's divine appointments!


The Engebretson's said...

John and Erica-

It is wonderful how the Lord is keeping you guys there in Uganda. It hardly seems possible that so much time has passed since you all were here... and that graduation will be coming up again before we all know it. We think about you often and are praying for you and Billy and Jo as you continue your work there. I (Hannah) love to get on your blog and see the posts, pics, etc... But it makes me a little "homesick" for Africa - maybe someday soon we will be able to take a trip back... I am praying the Lord makes that possible! We love you guys!

Hannah (& Scott :-) )

The Engebretson's said...

what's going on...
hannah just showed me the videos on your blog (which i was just introduced to this very morning - i've been keeping up with billy and jo's blog...BUT they don't have videos!!!!)

as i was watching the videos, i was asking hannah about the elephants in the distance... i guess because she lived in africa so long, she knew they were trees. go figure...

hope you guys are doing well.
much everyone.