Thursday, February 08, 2007

House Hunting in Arua

Hey!!! Make sure you click on the new video link to the right! This is a video of our first trip to Arua!

Photo: This is our field director and his family (The Mayos) with Billy and Joanna Coppedge from our last trip to Arua to help Billy and Joanna move in.

This Saturday we are off to Arua again to hopefully pick out a house to live in for the next two years!!! We have been back and forth between a few houses and are now down to two. Both are very nice, but the first house is a little small. especially when we have mission teams come and stay with us. The second house is bigger and great for teams, but one draw back is the fact that the outside is pink! I'm affectionately calling this house the flamingo house. Please pray we have discernment on which house would be best for the ministry in Arua. Either house would be a blessing and much better living conditions (i.e. running water and toilet that flushes!) than we expected to have here.

Meet Sharon...
Another exciting thing happened this week! Josh, our Swahili teacher, brought his 8 year old daughter, Sharon, to our home so we could meet her. She was the most polite, precious girl! She does not speak very much English, so we got to practice a lot of Swahili with her! She was also very shy... she had actually never been around a "muzungu" before! (That is what they call white people here) So she was very quiet around us. Josh compared her being in our home to what we would feel like if we got to be in a celebrity's home! We both found that pretty amusing! She stayed the whole day with us while we had class (for 8 hours!), and she never complained of getting bored or anything. The children here are just so incredibly well-behaved. She was actually very entertained by the "Build-a-Bear" Giraffe that my brother, Ryan, gave to me for our going-away present! (you can see it in this picture). When you push the giraffe's foot, it plays Ryan's voice saying how much he loves and misses us! I probably heard his voice at least 20 times that day! It was precious!

One thing you could please pray for is that Josh would be brave enough to share what he has heard about Jesus with his daughter. He has not told her what he has been learning yet. Please pray for Josh and Sharon to come to a decision to know Christ and have a personal relationship wtih Him.

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