Friday, October 10, 2008

There's a Reason There's No Pictures :-(

Well, this blog entry isn't so fun, because I just lost all of our pictures on our computer! I was going to write this entry about saying goodbye to friends & John speaking at UCU chapel one last time, and I had pictures of our Ugandan friends & the chapel service to post... But yesterday, I was working on a project on our computer & lost the entire hard drive! It is so sad!

But I was on the phone with Apple for a while last night & they told me that there is hope that they can recover our data when we get home to America... which includes 2,000 pictures!!! So I am hopeful! And I am thankful for Joanna Coppedge who is letting me use her computer, since ours won't even turn on! Please pray that our hard drive can be recovered & please be patient with us as we may be slow on returning emails & updating our blog, as we will be without a computer for the next month!!!

Also, John is in Sudan with Billy & other WGM missionaries right now, so please pray for them. They attended a conference these past few days (Tuesday to Friday) called the Cush Consultation, which has been a great networking time for WGM to get connected with other organizations working in Sudan & strategize how to go forward in our ministry there. Tomorrow, they start pastor training with our pastors in Sudan, and then they will return home on Sunday night! Joanna & I sure are missing them! Please pray that God continues to make their time in Sudan fruitful & that He brings them home safely to us!

Food for Thought~
Yesterday, as I was wanting to just get frustrated & upset with the whole computer situation... I was quickly distracted by the fact that I had no distractions... This week was going to be a week that I got some projects done on our computer in preparation to come home (like making DVD's for our speaking engagements), so I didn't have too much else planned... So in an instant, I went from being stressed out about getting everything done to realizing I had nothing to do! I had no computer, no TV, no Ipod, no company, and no John :-( ... But I realized that in that moment, I could either get upset that I had nothing to do or be thankful that I had no distractions. And I decided to be thankful~ I mean, what a blessing that I could just have some extra time with Jesus these next few days or get some reading done or be more welcoming to our visitors at our door because I'm not pressed to do anything else.

I feel like God is preparing me to come home even in this & reminding me that life easily gets too busy (especially in America!), and we have to guard our days & our time with Him. I know this will be a challenge for us to not get too busy when we come home to America, and I want to make an intentional effort to never be too busy for Jesus. And I challenge you to do the same in your busy life, today, tomorrow, every day this week & forever!

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